Minority Scholarships: Opportunities for Everyone
Students who are pushed to work hard in sports or academics are constantly told it could win them a scholarship. Scholarships are put on a pedestal as the best way of paying for college because they are paid by organizations and do not need to be paid back by the individual. Scholarships are a great way of paying for college, especially if you are ineligible for grants or student loans. Minority scholarships are available to different genders, ethnicities and disabled persons who want to go to college but who might not have the financial means to accomplish their goals.
Minority scholarships are amazing opportunities for a wide variety of people. Scholarships for minorities can range from paying for books and housing to a full ride. Some of the most popular are for women, African-Americans, Native-American, Hispanics and international students.
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People tend to learn a lot from someone who comes from a different culture or background. This is one of the reasons why colleges offer minority scholarships; the opportunity is designed to fill campuses with students of different cultures, economic backgrounds and life experiences. A minority scholarship is not given purely on a person�s background. There are often other criteria in gaining a minority scholarship, including:
- Essays
- A minimal GPA
- Be eligible for financial aid
- Specific qualifications specific to the scholarship, including club membership
Minority Scholarships for Women
Scholarships for women are usually geared towards people with a specific major. For example, the society of women engineers offers 100 individual scholarships annually varying in amounts from $1,000-$5,000. This minority scholarship is geared towards women pursuing degrees in engineering or computer science. The Talbots Women�s Scholarship Fund is a broader minority scholarship. They are given to women seeking any type of undergrad degree from accredited two-year or our-year colleges.
Minority Scholarships for African-Americans
There are multiple minority scholarships for African-Americans out there, offering thousands of dollars for those men and women who would otherwise be unable to attend a university. The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Scholarships offer minority scholarships to 65,000 students a year and provide funding for historically black colleges and universities. The FTE Doctoral Fellowship is scholarships for African-American grad students looking for a degree in religion, theological studies, and religious studies.
Minority Scholarships for Jewish Students
Scholarships for minorities focus on ethnicities, religion or mental abilities. Scholarships for Jewish students can be given by either local Jewish organizations or the universities themselves. The ones affiliated with local Jewish organizations may not offer the amount that national scholarships do, but they are easier to win. University groups like Hillel might also offer minority scholarships for Jewish students so do not hesitate to see what they can offer. The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America offers high school students who are direct descendants of members. The Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of a women killed while studying abroad in Israel and offers scholarships to students who plan on studying in Israel.