Credit Card Fraud Protection
Getting approved for a credit card can be an exciting step forward in the life of a college student. Having the power to make purchases without cash on hand can be a powerful asset, but using a credit card also comes with many risks. One of the biggest risks when using a credit card is not having adequate credit card fraud protection. Using a credit card is easy enough, but protecting it against potential fraudsters is a different story. Spending your money responsibly and protecting yourself from fraud go hand-in-hand with the use of a credit card, and we�re here to offer you valuable information for credit card protection.
Be Alert, Be Cautious, and Beware!
So you finally receive your credit card in the mail and decide to go out on a date to a nice restaurant. The food is fantastic, your date is having a great time and you decide to pay with your shiny new piece of plastic, what could possibly go wrong? The waiter could make a copy of your credit card number or retrieve your information from the computer. You might leave your copy of the bill on the table and an unassuming customer could walk by and take it. You throw the bill away in the trash without shredding it, and someone sees a great opportunity. Then what do these people do? They use your information to purchase items online because companies won't be able to see that it's not you using your own credit card. And this is all because you weren't taking the proper steps toward your credit card fraud protection.
Establishing good credit brings everything from lower rates on student loans and mortgages to better credit card rewards
Compare student credit cards before choosing the one that�s perfect for you
Don't let money stand in the way of your education. Find the answer with student loans.
Here are a few tips that can help you with credit card fraud protection:
- Sign your credit cards as soon as they arrive
- Never write your PIN number on your credit card
- Keep your credit cards in a separate compartment in your wallet (Preferably in a zippered pocket)
- Don't lend your credit card to anyone unless you completely trust them
- Only carry around the credit cards you absolutely need (Keep the others in a safe place)
- Destroy any unused credit cards (Even if they are expired)
- Cancel a credit card immediately if it is lost or stolen
If you've followed all of the above tips and your credit card information
is still stolen, you should immediately contact the issuer of the card. Most
credit card companies offer 24-hour toll-free numbers you can call to help
you deal with these problems, and they are eager to help because they don't
want to lose your business. There are also many credit card protection agencies
you can call that will help you clear up fraudulent purchases. The top three
agencies that can help you are Equifax,
Transunion, and Experian.
Just remember that before you should have to contact other sources for help,
credit card fraud protection begins with you.